I 9 OakIan6iirribunc Feb. 14,1 965 23-C 10 TRUCKS, EQUIPMENT I3S Rods, Ci-tsict, A-liaj ,140 AUTOS FOR SALE 801-GO-KARTS, MIDGETS, tc. TOO PETS AN, SUPPLIES COLLIES Sire Champion Merne Oaks Bobolink. Shots. Terms.
AT 3-3404, Lafayette. OLDSMQBILE. 1957. 2 door hardtop, tecfv BUtCKS GMC one pickup, Condi, tion, new tires. $625.
562-5659. 140 AUTOS FOR SALE 3-2's, new pamt. ooa shape, noo cash. Will trade lor Motorcycle or Surfboards. DART.
1964. prL'iJ. Cheap! 534-1312; 636-0350. GO KKRT Clinton engine, 2'' horse-power, $25; 568-1815. MQ-AUTOS FOR SALE CHEVROLET See at Calaveras Road and Gad-on Street, GMC 1948, one ton, good condition, dual tires.
471-190. NO DACHSHUND pupsi black and tan beau-ties, AKC. 276-4625, evenings. DACHSHUND MINIATURE pupoies, AKC. Reds.
Blacks. 447-1803, Livermore. international, 196a V-205 OLDSMOBILE, 1954, Tactory stick, headers, excellent condition. $375 65 7614. JUNIOR Go-Kart, Mini-bike, 3 wheel-scooter, air compressor, roto-tfller.
4729 Plymouth, I960 Sport pups, I weeks old, AKC. DALMATIAN CL 4-8749, 147 Cimptrt and E4uiisM.11 BUICK. 1951 Camper, if ictf shift, sleeps S. i tireav-rebuill complete with 40 Sargent, Castro Valley, BARGAIN! New laro overcab, sleep 4. Self contained on one 'ton, dual wheel, International Pickup.
i-92. BANNER, 194, S4 foot, self contained, sleeps 5, must sacrifice, 12.850. 684-3789, CHEVROLET Apache 190 1963 Open Road Camper. New condition. Extras.
$2,400. 797-7062. CAMPERS "MacDonald Kits" 195 up. Accessories, to West 'Jackson, Hayward, 78. 733..
CAMP Trailer tent type; sleeDS Butane stove and heater; water tank. 3j0. 128-0810. CAMPER! 1949 GMC; 16 passager bus. Completely rebuilt, like new, $1,1,00, best 810 TRUCKS, EQUIPMENT NO automatic.
1 1 i 2-door hardtop, silver metallic i terior. A real bomb with 383 NO CASH NO CREDIT barrel ram-tnduction carbs, Ostmark Ken open Sunday, CADILLACS LESS BY" RICH Why Not? DRIVE THE BEST FOR LESS HUGE SELECTION (OVER 100 CARSI 157 Inch wheelbase, V-461 engine, 5 speed transmission, 3 speed Auxiliary, 5th. Wheel good rubber and new paint. International Harvester FACTORY BRANCH, 2855 Cypress Street. GL 2-2828, Saturday Call GL 2 2816.
INTERNATIONAL. 1957, pickup, 4x4, 160 cubic feet enclosure, recent complete engine overhaul, good tires, excellent for hunting and fishing. 526-7922. DOBERMAN pups, 4 only, nel Quality. Easy terms, training available, JE 7-5288.
heater, whitewalls. Tuned by Reese Chevrolet, '65 Et Camino 1 427 ENGINE 4 SPEED Want A DOBERMAN Pinscher; red months, AKC registered; eu LSpeciaM Sale $2,995 Phone Application OK'D ear-jugs. DOBERMAN Pinscher puppies weeks old. S85. 656-6152.
pas- AKC. i mis oucxer sears wim comer console, radio, heater, white walls, etc. Can't be told from new. $161 oown, 36 months on Balance. Shartuck Avenue Motors INTERNATIONAL 1962 Travelette scnqer pickup, 6-cvllnder, 4-soeed, BAY FAIR MOTORS SERVICEMEN WELCOME Pee Month 1 1958 Ford FL "500." AT, RH, PS not cp J3 We Finance PHONE" APPLICATIONS ACCEPT! Phone 638-3330 1 Nothing Oown Monthly Payments Bull dog puppies, registered ENGLISH 581-1439.
15755 East 14th. San Leandro 19, Ford ton pickup Raior Sharp 33 2524 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, TH 1-5815 i otter, ul z-joeu. CAMPER; Walk-In van; new engine. With trail bike. Sharp! $1,500 cash.
Open Monday thrort Friday. 9-7, Satur-! JEEP 1955 pickup; wheel drive; winch. dv 9.S -undavt 17. Warne Hubs. $750.
935-0407 935. 7384 Super Tone before delivery. A real qotng machine, yours for only $246 80 oovn. lo. trade) $28 00 month on 0 A C.
Ask tor Victor "Smitty" Smith! BRITISH MOTOR CAR DISTR. 1679 N. MAIN, WALNUT CREEK 934-4277 935-4J71 PLYMOUTH 193; coupe; good body, 1955 1 Plymouth 6 engine. $200 534-6455 evenings, RENAULT DAUPHINE. 1959, $150, as Is, cash; 533 2342 WILLYS Coupe.
1937 "A Gasser." 476 engine, all mint condition. Mag's. Pirelli 1 fires, slicks. Goodies too numerous to mention. Make offer.
Towns Country i Motors. 13999 East 14th. San Leandro. COMPETITION roadster. 150 Inch, wheel.
base, glass body, metal flake pamt by FRENCH Poodles "Mitiv Sues Golden I "Carioce Dancer of I Esquislte breeding, deep apricot. Lt 1- '4 wheel drive. Priv- JEEP, 1965 Pickup. vl Automatic BetAir, nice Bel Air. -(two of v8 Automatic Chev Chev Chev alym.
28 4 i 53 1 53 22 33 57 43 1957 Olds loaded 1961 Valiant, real nice 19 Monia cpe. 1 194 Galaxie. 4-dr. hdt, loaded 1957 Ponlirft, 4-dr. wg.
clean I960 Ford conv. AT, RH PS 1957 Chev. wg, perfect. AT, 4 160 4-dr. AT, RH, PS I9 Dodge wg.
AT, RH, PS -1 1966 evenings. 686-5555 GERMAN Sheppard 3 year old female. Campers CHEVROLET, 1962 190 Inch wheelbase, -348 engine In ex- I eel lent' shape, 5 speed transmission with 1 speed axle, new paint. Sedans. Convertibles, deVIHes From $4,695 with AIR As long as months, as low as 4 per cent financing.
194)s El Dorado Convertible, Sedan deVIHes, Coupes and Coup deVilles. From $3,995 Local cars, most lust traded on new Cadillacs ate party. 6JB-6AU LLOYD 1960 Economy truck, runs good. Full price $749, no cash, can finance. Barton's, 27467 Mission, Haywar.
JE 7-8225. Ford 4 dr, all otter, home with ample space only, stor. J93-4279. CAMPERS travel trailers, Olds 1 dr, all power 33 190 Opel, door, w.tt. ne new Olds, full price Chrysler 1 kr HT, swell Buick, all power, air cond.
Merc Auto trni. Leo. Insured. TE M451, GERMAN Shepherd puppies, AKC. shots, Rin Tin Tin line, $75.
Terms. Newark. Coupe deVllle with everything 27 I 1957 Dodae 4 dr. age, rental, Gypsy Tops 562-1269. CHEVROLET, 1947; ton pickup with camper.
Good condition, 534-9413. EL Dorado: Cabover 10 foot, front dinette; LaJaga jacks. Used 9 days. Like new. $1,350.
357-4512. leather and AIR. Sedan and Se $74 at i 127 18 $(3 05 i Ii3.0 8100 00 $33.10 8200 $37.40 ti7 40 $27.10 tli Ot-. 842.08 $b0 00 $38 811 144 40 844.75 $57.75 Cpe, AT. RH sharp 28 1956 Buick Spec.
SCOUT, 1963, 3 wheel drive, low mileage, excellent condition. 452-4712. STUOEBAKER, 1953 ton pickup, good, condition, $265. LA 4-8286 International Harvester Co. FACTORY BRANCH, 2855 Cypress Street.
GL 2-2828. Saturday Call GL 2-2836 CHEVROLET 1964, 1 j-ton, 8-foot step-side, 4-speed, radio, tieater, heavy duty springs, clutch, side mirrors, foam seats. Bar den bumper, $1,750. 582-9784. dan deVilte from $2,945.
en uevttte irgoi Olds. AT. RH. PS. Perfect Darns, chrome, 194 Plymouth 426 en- gine.
1965 Winter National participant -r it (5) Cjnvrtibles and El DoraUo Ford. 2 doOr AT, RH: S. 43 Shepherd male; AKC black, years old, $75 make offer, GERMAN tan, Vi 357 6286. Sell all or part. Walt Anderson.
KE Runs e-4731. call' anytime. VOLKSWAGEN panel, 1957. Radio, good. $299 GL 2-4825.
2401 Telegraph. FREE of extra costl New Highway Dodge 2 dr MT, full Ced'Hec. cp da villa Stude. stick -shift Plym Wagon, nice car Chev Ion pick-up Valiant wagon Bonneville cpe. sharp Cervelr Monia Cpe '21 140 AUTOS FOR SALE CHEVROLET PICKUPS Brand New 1965s cruiser camper with purchase of any I GERMAN Shepherd pups, AKC, Germen new Chevrolet pickup at manufacturers American background.
Requested re-suggested price. Ask or Deacon" Brown breeding. Castro Valley JE 8-2410 only! Cochran Celll, 12th 8. Harrison, 1 AIR-condilloner for truck cab; Kysor model Al condition, $195. KE 6-1210 DUMP Truck 190 Reo.
10 wheel. 170 comet motor, completely overhauled. 7,900. 757-6544 Oakland. 444-uuss, After 6, 587-5590.
I ucki anepnero, year moie. -a- 63 Chev BelAir, air cond .) Impale cpe. like new 3 Cadillac, air cond conv. sonabie-good home. KE S-0208.
$50. Papers. 1958 Ply. wg stick. RIH 28.
1959 Ford W-ton long bed. perfect 49 1953 slick. R8.H. Sharp! 191 Comet, wg AT. H.
Sharp! .43 1 14S9 Rambler. stick, RAH 2 IN Mare Chaasa Pram PHONE NOW 834-9424- Perks Auto Mart 9th 10th Ave. on Easl 12th OAKLAND. OPEN NITES SUNDAYS GERMAN Shepherd puppy; YE. 4-243 7 654-3118.
FORD "Econollne" Camper, 163, good condition. 81,600. 523-5058. GMC. 1960 custom Chassis Mount Camper.
Sacrifice. $1,595. 254 5026. capacity, good FOR lift truck. 4.000 condition.
After 5 562 038 i $250 down $54.95 -per month. TREMENDOUS SAVINGS ON ALL TYPES OF CAMPERS! Ask for "Deacon" Brown only! Cochran 8. Celll, 444-0055. After 6, 582-5590 I CHEVROLET, 1961 Pickup, 1-foot body, complete with Camper; $1,495. I DICK BRANDT MOTORS I Open evenings 'til 10.
Sunday 'III 6 25375 Mission. Hkyward, EL 7 7000. i CHEVROLET, 1955 Carryall, 4-speed, radio, heater. Sharp, $695. Collins Motor Co.
21715 Mission, Hayward. JE 7 3151. GERMAN Shepherd puppies, AKC, res sonable; moved to apartment 562-4143. GERMAN Shepherds; 2, AKC, black, tan, 8 months, all shots. Reasonable, 524-7134 KUICK-WE CARRY THE CONTRACT.
5 Chev Club, stick $S9 53 Ford Conv Ajto iatic 55 Plym. 8 stick $19 55 Chev. 2-dr. Del Ray I 8J99 Buick Super je 51 Buick Roadmaster 54 Buick Century dr T. $1S9 5 Buck waoon, a rare one $19 5 Buick 4dr Full power $iv 5s Buick Special 4 0- Clean $19 51 Olds CI Conv Needs paint $29 55 Ford 4-dr.
V-8. nice body $i9e 58 Ford Jdr, big motor. A I buy $-l9 i ton truck. Call LIGHT sleeper cab for Convertibles, Fleetwood Sedan and Sedan deVilles Priced to sell. Up to 3 mos.
Bank financing Models in stock, ll) El Dorado Hdtp with air, (SI Coup deVilles, (4) Hdtp Coupes. 13) Convertibles. (61 Sedans and Sedan deVilles. Fleetwood th AIR Up to 30 mos. Bank terms 1959 Many Coupes.
Sedans. Sedan deVilles and Convertibles Priced from $1,395 I Bank terms H58 -Coupes, Coupe deVilles, (31 Con-veilibles (2) Fleetwoods with AIR. Priced from $495 to sell. Also many 1954 to 1959 Models at our Berkeley lot OUR 14TH YEAR-REAL EASY TERMS RICH MOTOR CO. 10269 San Pablo Avenue i El Cerrito Lot LA 4-431 1 Open Friday and Monday Nite til I 00 BIG SALE All Day Saturday Phil-Co.
Motors 10206 fast 14th Street, Phone 6.18 3330. CHEVROLET NO CASH? NO CREDIT? SEC US, WE FINANCE ON CREDIT APPROVAL and fawn black 1-4200. GREAT AKC. Ml puopies-8-1717 or WE OPEN ROAD America's most wanted, most line of luxury campers. See NOTICE Is hereby given: that the goods here in alter described will be sold al public sale lo the highest bidder on the 20th day of February, 1965, at 9 am.
clock at 8542 East Slauson Avenue. Pico Rivera. Los Angeles County, State of i California and at 8855 San Leandro Street, I Oakland, Alameda County, State of Call i fornia: Description of goods to be sold, located at 8542 East Slauson Avenue. Pico Rivera, California BUICK. complete them at 191.
LeSabre hardtop, power new rubber. One owner Sal steerln ing 34 r-ora wauon, stick. 6 cyi. I Price 56 Ford wagon VI $1249. KITTENS, all breeds.
Boarding, breeding, pet problems solved. 444-0591. LABRADOR PUPS AKC. 793-7167 MALTESE, tiny, tiny shaggy females, purebred $90. AKC S'ud service.
BR 6- 1148. Turner buick co mayward 22850 Mission Boulevard. EL I I3II. CHEVROLET, 1959 ton pickup. As nice as you'll find.
$895. McKissick Pontiac 93 East 14th San Leandro, 632-2993 the Cow Palace or our lot. LO COACH The only telescopic camper built In the Bay Area. 8 ft. and 10 tt.
deluxe models from $1,295. TRUCKS Your choice of 1965 Chevrolet, Ford, GMC, Dodne or International. Every day Is show day at Year I I960 Chev Wa, Auto. Power St 162 Chev Super Sport, a Black Beeuty 192 Grand Prix Air 190 Pontiac 4 dr Hardtop 1959 BuKk 4 dr Hardtoe 1462 Falcon 2 dr. Sharp Aork cars Good condition CADILLAC.
194 4 window Sedan Vine M. Factory executive, trade In. 10.600 miles, factory warrantee to 24,000 Fully equipped including 4-way power seats, power windows. F-M radio and FACTORY AIR CONDITIONING Serial Number Description S636145 40-foot Brown Van S6J6I99 40 fool Brown Flatbed S636844- 24 toot Brown Van S6.16H45 24-foot Brown Van 945. CHEVROLET, 1962 pickup V8 and camp- 193 er; (Holiday), 19,000 actual miles; 193 new, radio, heater, heavy duty hocks; ie SI, 850: eveninas alter 5 p.m.
and tU day 103 MONKEYS. Mynahs, Reptiles, Parrots, Alligator, Snakes, Macaws, Marmosets. KE 3-7797. 58 Ford 4dr. t-cyi.
Automatic $7 Ford 4-dr. V-8, looks good Merc. H.T. Original, save $100 $19 5 Merc. T.
Stick, overdrive $79 5' Merc. Cleanest In town $49 57 Merc. H.T Our best buy! $J9 51 Cad H.T. Motor A I $9 JLCad 62 4-dr. Good work car $94 ir Cad Fleetwood, try this one 8t9 Cad Full power 54 Cad 62 4-ar Clean as a pin $3 54 Cad Fleetwood, air conditioning $49 55 Olds 91 I Full power $19 5' Olds 91 Take 'me horn 5' Plym 4-dr.
won rod out $19 AAAMK CV tnlnrnMlIm free SIMIAN 4 sturday, Sunday; 233-6495. 1963 $4,995 tnriFTV fit AMFRirA S34-7167 1 CHEVROLET. 1956 Pickup and Camper, 1 1963 $99 I dp. MANY. MANY MORE OPEN MIGHTS and SUNDAYS DAVID MOTORS 25030 MISSION, HAYWARD LU 1-341; EL 7-7872 bnk financing 19441 fO UlCCt 1495 down month vtlD Ovor othr El Cerrito Travel Center (formerly Robin Motors) 11308 San Pablo Ave.
at Potrero 235 3412 (Call Collect) 193 193 193 193 CADILLACS New Car Trades OUR PROMISE GUARANTEES YOUR SATISFACTION PARAKEETS Finger tame, talking strain from blue ribbon winners. "Bur-: gie's Budgies," 1101 Seminary, Oakland PEKINGESE pupoy, cream, small, male. 3 months, AKC. 893-6782. fronri.
INDOOH SHOWROOM ecellent condition. Full price $795, no cash, can finance Barton's, 27467 Mission. Hayward. JE 7-8225. CHEVROLET 1955 3 ton pickup; standard, heater.
$695 M. L. MOORE CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 936 San Pablo, Albany. 525-4920. 55 Pontiac Starchief 5 Merc 4-dr Rims pood $19 53 Rambler conv You fix It 55 SluJ.
4 dr. 8 real sharp car $29 BOB RUBLE MOTORS CHEVROLETS AKC PEKINGESE toy pups, 6 weeks, registered, reasonable. 757-0753. 1 Cooo deVllle; All power, air tond 1962, with or with-make offer; 654-38I0 S6J6846 74-tool Brown 1-iaiDea S636B47 24-toot Brown Flatbed S63684 24-toot Brown Flttbed S36420 40-foot Brown Van S3i21 40-foot Brown Van S636578 40-tool Brown Flatbed SA36702 40-tool Brown Flatbed S4J6883 40-tool Brown letbed S6368S9 40-foot Brown Van S6368V6 40-tool Brown Van S636897 40-loot Brown Van S6369I8 J4-foot Brown Flatbed 24-toot Brown Flatbed S6J6970 24-toot Brown Flatbed M625180 40-loot Brown Flatbed M6751B2 40-tool Brown Flatbed M675I6J 40-fool Brown Flatbed 5636922 Brown Converter Dolly 5636923 Brown Converter Dolly L0631I2 Brown Converter Oolly L063II3 Brown Converter Dolly L0631I4 Brown Converter Dolly CHEVROLET, out canopy, TE 6-3874. 6900 East 14th Oakland POODLE puppies, black miniature.
AKC Registered. $75 and $100. 734-1677, evenings and weekends. CONVERTIBLE SALE leather Interior. Sharp $3,199.
43 Sedi deVllle; All power, air cond. Sharp $3.59 '61 Fleetwood; AH power New Cadillac '0 Sedan, All power air conditioning New Cadillac Trade 13 193 193 1963 1963 193 193 193 1962 167 1962 163 1963 1963 193 1963 ROAMER Cabover, 8 loot with jacks, excellent condition, 283-210; after 7 284-4742. VOLKSWAGEN 1961 Camper, fully equipped tor the outdoors, beautiful Interior, engine overhauled; See to appreciate. Otter or older car part payment. S33-4832.
(48 MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS t. 1964 Excellent condition. 2051 Bolero Avenue, Hayward 782-7876 CHEVROLET, 1963 1 J-ton pickup, 4-speed, V-8. positraction. Many extras 632-6494 silver miniature, registered, shots.
Stud service 483-3086; POODLES 12 weeks. 351-1063. BUICkS. CHEVS FORDS, ETC ALL UNDER Trz CHEVROLET, 1953; panel, nice condition. POODLE ri" 1 4 sDeed, full price, vrsurr nanaies.
very reasonable, 351-5868. CHEVROLET, 190, excellent, new tee powerigid. power steering, red and white II 191 DOOGB; t9T; -sharp, wtnte svteh Blua. Interior, VI automatic, power tearing, brakes A rar buy 81.495 Richrnond Motor Co. PONTIAC A DILI AC 10171 San Panto Avenue Cer Ite 525 "35 Year Customer Satisfaction'' TOOOLE Miniature black male Price's Motor Co.
CADILLACS 300 Broadway. Oakland 451 8J77 70 East lath San leandro. LO ckheven 3-44 CADILLAC 194 Coup factory executive trade In 10.3O0 miles, factory warranty to 74 000 Full power including power windows $4,395 tl9 Oown 43 moniM bank financing vilt9 Over IS oftor 4 INDOOR SHOWROOM Price's Motor Co. CADILLAC Ot0 BROADWAY 4514)177 20 East 14th Street San leenaye LO -44 Cadillac, 1964 Shots, $50 BULTACO 1963, 200, Scrambler. Unused Oak POODLE puppies, liny silver toys, champion stock, registered 276-2253 Located al 8855 San Leandro Street S400 loaded, xcapeionai, 19i FORO.
1942, 500XL. blue with white top i CADILLAC Coup de Vine, 159, should miniature silver, female. 211 Bolero, Havward. POODLE, weeks old. CHEVROLET.
1959 Pickup. Vlon. 4-speed transmission, camper; take house painting for equity or trade. 6363 Foothill. 1 CHEVROLET, 164 V8.
El Camino. bucket seats, powerglide. power steering, etc. 82.395. Private party.
893-9013 I CHEVROLET 195 1 i-ton pickup, vT. 1 big box. lully equipped, like new. Chev- rolet Dealer. LO 8 1178 1 CHEVROLET 1959.
10 wheel dump, dual drjve, 4 speed Brownie, trade. 538-8229 or 787-47 1 7 since overhaul $395 LU 2-9487. CLIARANCE SALE-NEW MACHINES Duceti 80 was 29 $259 Ducetl (2) to trail was $339 $289 Ducatl Diana was $419 SXI9 3523 Fremont Boulevard. Fremont 793 1500 CUSHMAN, -lon pickup truckster with cab. $195 21500 Gary Drive, Hayward.
OUCATI, 194 Scrambler; excellent con- dition, fully road equipped. 2.000 miles, extras Webb Motor Company, 2471 Shat-tuck, Berkeley. TH 8 4417. land. California: 193 S436I44 40-foot Brown Van 13 S4J6700 40-foot Brown Flatbed 1J SeJ6eil 24-foot Brown Flatbed 143 SJ65'7 40-loot Brown Flatbed lJ S6J68'4 0-fooi Brown Flatbed S636890 40-tool Brown Van 13 SJ92I 24-toot Brown Flatbed l62 M625II1 40-foot Brown Flatbed 193 I190-42I Brown Converter Doily Clark Equipment Company reserve the right lo bid al the sale Clark Equipment romnanv.
Brown Trailer Division. 8542 be In showroom, only $1,55. Ramsey I Motors. 1908 Park Street, Aiemeo. LA $-5 Open Sunday.
CADILLAC. 10 Convertible; White ever s.lver oiu. J3.OU0 original miles. Immecu-late. Compare al $1 95.
OL 101'Q CADILLAC 194 Coup oe -Vine; full power, new tires, brekes. new license i smog control Sharpl $1085. S2J 5301. POODLES, tiny, paper trained, wonder-fui for valentine gilts. 939-2149.
PO0OLES miniatures black, silver, register edAisstudservlceS3M67S. POODLE puppies. AKC. registered, 9 weeks, 232-0162, Richmond POODLES champion sired apricot studs. Choice puppies.
276-9170. 56 Mercury Convert. ACTUAL PRICE $22 56 Cnev 4Dr. Wqn. ACTUAL PRICE $17 56 Pontiac Harotoo ACTUAL PRICE 51 Willys Wagon.
ACTUAL PRICE 8179 57 Pontiac. V6 convert power 2 58 Piymovth. sf'ck. ACTUAL PRICf 81 it v.rcu'y Hardtop ACTUAL PRICK 55 Ford, HURST floor box 7 57 Dodge Hardtop ACTUAL PRICE 8 9 There are 69 more good low-priced carl 2 loot. 1965 M- CHEVROLET 1952 Van, cense.
$500 537-7471 Sedan deVllle In Inverness green finish. ton. boom trutk, 1 speed. BYLO AM can be oht beige leather Inl.ner. AIR CONDI- in siocx at good condition.
8575 ofter. 793-3239. POODLE, toy silver tHnwm, 5 months; registered. 284-4115 with 100 per cent financing i East Slauson Avenue. Pico Rivera, Ceit-1 tornte, oaled Febrvery 10, 195 STEP.
UP plan, or we tote th not CHEVROLET. 1959 truck; 11-foot van, new motor. $1,300 offer. 533-1779, evenings. years, AKC.
I YEAR BW WARRANTY GIL ASHCOM RAMBLER USED CAR DEPARTMENT TM VtT Shattuck Dwnt way. Benieiey CHEVROLETS 157 Chevrolet waoon. wee cart 82 is -4) Mercury, 1-door hardtop. Sharpl $7e IS8 Ford Fairlan hardtop 1S7 Dodoe, 2-eoor, eew trana, tie IS5 DeSoto A real deal' Hae l-8 Cnrysiar, Mk mw Clean) Saae 198 Dodoe. coupe, new fires Ire 195 7 DeSota.
-pesenoer wagon 82 tes Dooqe, new trens -erqe Ire -1948 Chevrolet pickup, spec el $34e Fard Waoon. like new 14 I9s5 Rambler wagon. Real Sharp! S2'9 I9S5 Mercury. 2-door hardtop 9 19S2 Austin. savri 1 Mercury.
4sserser weqon $tl 1M Plymouth, good condition lei? Cadillac. Sharp! on ownee 115 Oidsm loeile 88. A I rfV f- -O seean. A-0T' S675 $950 POODLES. male, black.
3 Must Sell. Moving 523-485 HAR LEY-DAVIDSON 195. 740HV rebuilt HARLE Y-OAVIDSON 1958; 740HV Full deluxe HARLE Y-OAVIDSON 194, XLCH Sportster, low miles i CADILLAC. Il 4 door, fully equipped with air conditioning, must sett, a tine car at a low price Sacritiot 587174 CADILLAC. IH7wf.il convertible; low mtieeg.
Must sell, unusueily tevoratbe lerms Weedeys. call 513 747 CaOIIlAC l43convrtibie. all black with blk Interior, full power, by owner. $2,800 914 9J77 sacrifice. OPEN SUNDAYS TOOIII BYLO MOTORS 4844 Telegraph.
Oakland CHEVROLET, 1952; half ton. $125 190 East 14th, Oakland toy pup 451 4741. POMERANIANS, beautiful tiny pies Registered Stud service. PETE RBILT. 147 "77 Cummings." recent overhaul, mechanical and ruooer excellent.
Reasonable. Job available. 48 0145 797 3415 $1 250 $525 Sprint MARLE Y-OAVIDSON 19 194 1 1 ton pickup, as is CHEVROLET, $125 357 iJ27 mtrf IfXrOTf lBn- I SHEPARD Cadillac-Pontiac NEW CARS 30th Broadway GL 1-24QQ CADILLAC, dn De Vnte. Fwti power ST BERNARD Unusuel gift for one who has everything or good watchdog AKC. $400 432-7845.
Pittsburg MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM Driller, mounted on Jeep POST Hole 64i 141 convertible Bristol sarty Asking $3,850 8j2 CADILLAC -blue Private good home. good CLAUDE SALMON CO 3039 Myrtle St at list. San Pablo, land -OL 5-3500 WF.IMARANER male. 2'. hunting dog.
reasonable to EL 7 0527 Oak CHEVROLET 163. 4 wheel drive $2,150 Terms. Camper Available $200 793750 CHEVROLET 157. excellent 3 speed, overdrive transmission. $60 NE 8-304 CHEVROLET.
El Cam.no 195 top con dition. paint excellent. $1,095 5J8-1790 CADILLAC 141. 4 door Fleetwood fully Truck ALMOST WHOLESALE BUICK FINANCF 5 Buick lectre Hardtop 57 Lincoln Premier 5harp 59 Pontiac Starchier Pont sc Wagon. Best Buy 57 Cadillac devine.
a door 57 oiotmobiie. Hoiioay. Laot 60 ford Country sedan 9 Ford Ranrh wvon. incV 57 Ford 4-dOOr. orioinal 54 Ford Country Sdn.
stick aViREhaired terrier pups, champion slock, registered, wonderiul pet. LU HOOAK A I a g-Tot Got. Trail- reeker. Pioneer, Taco. Bonanta.
Sales, 7 SV to 1 la and used -i CHEVROLET, -rn penef. i esily plates $275. 452-56C5 service. Paris, n.nw"i Easy terms. Some 4 models left.
Powell poG service, pans, accessories, new and runs; portable. assembled, reesonabie, 537-8473. $1,495 $tl OOWN U' model Cediliect choose from. PRICE'S MOTOR CO. CADILLACS 28 ait lam $trt tan i eanexa, ckheven l-44 DIAMOND 156; twoal factor.
trnterprises Inc 0 Cairo iBehmd AG 58-8228 ANO MOTORS 3915 Broadway, Oakland OL 8-X44 Open 7 days a week; 9-t powered, elderly owner must sell, ill. ees $1 5S3 4578 CADILLACTW9 Coup Ville. $1.08 full price Factory air, lull power oown. $54 monlMy TM I 5815. oeaier CADILLAC 15.
4oor good candiiiqn, lire. I4 license. 51 a9 CAOuTaC leMTcoupei nic conaj.lwet For lr5 Burts. 1201 km CADILLAC 1S8 Sedn VHIe. full PERFECT Vaientinei Pure white, lovable 1 $1,400 Will help finance $34 10)5 HONOA SSSO; excellent condition, rack c(m oyed puppes 5 weeks old, AKC anr perls $7O0 Also Bell "Snortie" hl.
reg ilered. $'5 4415-a3. 111 FORD PICKUP JS Sharo1 141 FORO PICKUP 8S 8 cue cab. radio. hetr 1U RANCMERO 8iaS Rado.
hea'er, tinted windshield, 11 CHEVROLET 81f Long wide box. healer, bumper, mirrors OVER TRUCKS TO CHOOSE FROM 3. S4-T. with lace shield $20 53 1 8 52. M- met CHEVROLET Crvenexeir pood for 18 passangers.
automatic Bht 54 Ford Cow fry Sedan. 4 pas 19 58 Mercury Twrnastae Cruiser 7 5 Mercury Waoon. A I 5 Cnevroiet Bet Air. Clean I 55 Cherreiet Wagon. Ono nal I 61 Chevrolet, Ton Pickup 79 0 Chevrolet, Carva.r.
Laok S5 Volkswagen, S8 AAotor 1 5 Pamoier American. Stick 5 Buick. 4 door, run A I let 6714 Terms Puppy land Terms Japanese Spin, adorabi Lhasa Maltese Snaggles. Poodles. Toys, also Mmiatur, I DODGE, 1965 Va Ton Pickup FACTORY EOUIPPED WITH; ALUMINUM CAMPER I INCLUOINO): Rear daae.
DELIVERED $2,036.58 HONDA, 194) 50 Sport, rebuilt to eO CC. r.tra sies isiir a.r, es; private; LO 8-iM- X-60 Broadway. OaklMM 4SI 8177 Cadillac, 1963 Pek a poos. Keesnounos. iwiiew.
i- lie- z. in- HONDA 14; 50 Supr Sport, tow o. A I. must sell. 534-707 after 4 JO.
$1,795 DAILEY Minvt fct ctudino Terrier, Poodle. Oocntnvnd, co*ck- CADILLAC. 191 convert iBle. sow mileage; Red nd wnilq Priyt. 83.272 CADTT AC 155; Iretwoo.
tires. new gr erator, $3g 545 57 plymowsei waajon, you tlx al Jeep Station Wagon, look Bank Terms CONVERTIBLE prllna; lhrr tXue fimh. keetner Miterier. wf.it Sop IOFAL NtW CADILLAC TR ADC I New HONOA 90. I4.
tJMi mi lev 838. excel- i m. etc I sent condition. S)8-4j Puos wanted Cute mixtures, also pure- i r. rrr 7 breds 945 Lenjen, San Jose.
CY press. DODGE TRUCKS, INC. AN firll C401LIAC. 17 Fkwrwrxxt. Pl' If vvw 33-1 13- 782 IIJ4 2121 PERALTA.
OAKLANO 815 WOO SERVICE ANO PARTS OPEN TO I 4 M. rteen Best corq.tion tiaecwi 'CADILLAiT l5J 'YCouo dV.re" lestexcellenti Mae otter OL l-5l Seol 51 Plymouth Waoon. You fix la Auto Warehouse Sales 212 E5t 12th Street, Oakland 0lt 4iJ jo. BUICK 1962 Flec'r "77V. hartffae, radio.
195, CHEVROLET, San letndro IS ts4 I4M ttreet. NE MONOA 50. 193. l-speed. reglsferee) SI50 582 -J122 Fleetwood Fuf aimosl new, 500 miles.
CADILLAC. 1 New paint. HONDA 94. 195. call S.4 34S3 hr $7.05 IO0A HTJ AND SUPPIIIJ WANTED TROPICAL fish fans, do you nave tropical lish to seil I em me terxet to buy in quantity end Quality.
Call Chevrolet, 63- 64 Impaila SS 409 Engines 4 MOOSE PROM $jas. SHEPARD Cadillac-Ponfiac MEW LOCATION-U0 CAR 30th A Broadway GL I -2100 CADILLACS t4 ra.pe Oevine 17 (W heater, eutpmet trensmisson. Dodge Trucks. Inc. PANELS Rent Leave Buy t44 lnterntional C-HOOs 1901 Chevrolet Apache 10 By Weea er Month 835-580O FL CAVINO10.
posl-tracfio" rear erd. stick shifl 11.095 Jerry Motor Sales. FIFE TWOOO ll. AOILl AC. HONDA.
Scrrrler 194 ijv. immaculate. 1.70 m.les, $i50 1 SJ42 steenna an4 bra Owner 444 416 $7 vs J.000 miies almost way power seat, tinted glass, wrv.tr-wa'1 ana FACTORY AIR CONOlTIONtR This popvler car yours fw aaly Al IMfvtni fl fm 8'0 CMtvROlFT lmeia. H3 doo harp HONDA. 164 "3O0.
nexix, $500 5-779 i like nw canditiaw fhraeqanu wtef) lanalew roars and ewcerw 1400 East uth Street map wels. eK A wrw r. good 750 rNftBRi. Ptiltry, Jpplis EL VINI Bike. Met j'-m iiw top spoti is cnq.ton Virtt see 9 aporec.at Aotort 108 Part $rra CAMINO 10.
speed, clean, chrome wtieels Brsf O'" 782 509 Ramsey Alameda, I A allAra. fhukxrs. fill Official FORD Truck Center WEST OR ANO ANO OROVaT, BROAOWAy SAOTOR5 Truck Clearance Sale Pic-uos. panels. $75 up Flat bH.
dumps, tractors. 2 and 3 aile fmantn available Pawl Jodon Useo Trucks, 188 Dev.s. Sen Leandro. 54411 Tn(E oood panel trucks So'd iw engmt. frenmfsion.
SxsC Dortoe 10. SMI fhevrotef tS). needs ree' enq work $75 rE 4 7473 WALK-INS International Harvester 4Aefra. Chevrq el Sip vens. Dodoe Rout Vent.
7 Wt to 10 foot bods PrK-ed ro i I '7S f. Or, Alt three l4 Me'e er on SlreOrS International Harvester Co. FACTORY BRANCH. J155 Cvpress Serewt CL 7I7I. Saturday Call OL 78 VI Sale $2,525 I -est Bg engine tttj Bileard.
Fre FALCON Pancfiero 13 mini BitcE. extra engine, runs O'eal. be licensed $50 OL 171 ICor sir rsiK 77 00 mies t7 Caxra. wirwsows l7 Srn Oev.iie. 4 wtneiews 1s7 $on Devtiie.
ir tarl I Too 1701 Bargain. Burts, neater, pweket seef. eC- I'jl ta months qn batanr. Shattuck Avenu Motors 774 ettur Irene keev, TM t.sl$ Open Moey tnren pride, 8-7, Saner-day 5. Sunoey, 12 monl Oliver .45 condition.
First $95 M.gh Helmets, sell PIGEONS, Fnt.ls. Ow's. FALCON Rnrrero 13; RABBIT. 194. OCC.
electric sta'ler. mites; eer aeiajT 8 pm Sale Save Up lo $300 I cover. $1 as Qc UI I I $ie frere I4S I Je lit aaa Murphy Buick tsat to rwood a' Ing ou' $1 each ijweei SMOAl Kmos. whUe and silver, pairs, reatorveble NE 2 74 yun Open SuTMiay CMf VROLETI tM 14 Hertp. eveoom.
Seqans Priced lowest em rnere Can hixrx wifh nq c. very hew peymenfs Try US first. aer1 MS t. 2 447 Missn. Hayward.
JF 7 8 77S CHlVROLff. I4 Impeia Coup. Varca-iv used vou wont brieve (ft 87. ART BRIOtS (SOUTMI Tas esnsn Bird Hex-ward. S82 7371 Open ees 'f and Itmelev Chevrolet, vt i i t4 Sedan.
$erp4 FORO 191 PICKUPS BR ANO NEW TE -ttsp Breadwef raHo. 'C i IvtOTORS BulCk. IHJ SatKe 4 oar Full power, lust lr new Im4f $1,795 t5 $45 t-i S.tS $715 S-S ON ALL 144 SAODELS ichiess 500 Vtrambier Par. He 175 Scrnr 2M Vaewaf-a Trail mara Trii Yamene Ascot Scrambler tantvx SV Vfamh'rr 8B) CADILLAC, 1964 COUPE DE VILLE Very ip priced for quc Only $7 4 lull pr Welt Buitk led fer tot ChIvROIIT luj impel Cauoe Re- heater. er aw en Like new i 7) DaM Chevrolet Co ASK FOR CHARLES BOW RON 3033 Broadway TW I1 ders 15 (HIVROLET l'4 NEED A CARf isnp we pqx.
fun factory equipment jm Irn last lam tteaxrt, la siaadra. $51 40 JeaM. 0 V-fv-l L-V I I -1 cl. T.s- raiiisutxf fi OiCK BRANOT MOTORS f(hn evninqs t.t to Sunday 'til it.rt. Hxywar.
7 7000 1 x-r xm nflr i 1 1 1 i i i i i i S4.795 Parfory warranty I I)- trV-. BDICK. ltJ In.te 4 d-r waqon 744SeJ3p-l 1 444 41JI. Vr Geran.0, evenings AN I 171 WANTED full InrKnn, nrtvtfno frnry CMFVROl ET MANY MANY MORI-New a Used. BERKELEY SCOOTERS TRIUMPH HERE 841-274) Tnumprs Honda BMW f.
rati peat a AM Ae. raee. tin MM 7T1I 1 viiiuonvu ri. l.esav Ta.rr-,trs leenw Ssa) Ir f1 pxi uATnsi -lirru1 0nrs Cr Ij ui Ye leather H4 W. onaremn ta -I 4 I I eU Vl CORNIR WEST OR ANO AN0 6R0VE Tl rouri.ns r.s araj out f.
A. '94 C-e-Tt tmpql $-9 dwm per n--n fs4r-w sax-a) EL fkartaon B'OS 45O0 (est lrh lr I tTQi-i 4g--T 9 Ht tree Tq Of Al 8 I AutO I m-, frwjev Oavs. L- in lMl lam, Laoodrq East leth. Sen leerxfrq. 35' VN Nf SI PR 8af) riu.n,if i Hei -e 77.
TT 2 -3477 Triumph, i4 B--nr ve motor. eexs elf-i I reo.o. healer A I. ul p.x-o. li ait ariilUf Coat tie VtlS w'm a-- eq s-t--l I AUTOMOTIVE VSSSZSi Ti? a'ctro" tlZZ-Z srsjJS Msns Lr.
2- $, SCtersw L'-VmssRI iVi 1v I S'eee. 4 spew. OKU BOT aeoTORI wti Irexe. tHiq. If4 W.
I 39 fsjtii ptfte iB-rnt msum.is Co. Z-WLrs 7 KJZl Avf q.CAN pupp-xs iie v-ail lwr-qv. 7il77 jltHMi.vo" Her-ard Jt I'SI 7, I IX ca-r-so. ie--' L-r-a wav.n lOAl et.Tii'li t-euttvi wtit. Pa-t.
a-d m. -TT O-o tal'IIC "VOJ ChIvROLFT 141 e'fer I jL! ,1 rA 00 n. -vte4 -r1 a Coutx VliifS S3 795 CIO'Att 11 Wr-r Lw.e-. WKrve. avJ reejis.e-ed IQ1''I fes.
chrome reverse im, kvmber car- '7' O-, jfu 4 Dalh' ChewOl Cfl -TTttqAHAM te'. r- r-rs. ec -'7 rw ie 17 es, Un, Chevrolet -O. CkXrtZ.7ZiZiii fWM ve t.c'N-f ttntiar, lets JTI fmilf ,4 i ant Paea Ae-e Omar tt 7 1 AIR FOR ARCMtE BBtfO terv-te 4erw OS. ffvOLfT Jspe-d 1-1 1 9 4 Cr jHk iTT5e TXTi r'T f'H't e-rs art tinl-V A.r IT7 toavai.
Il enoin. 4- ha em-, tt, ere r-. HT- a. Tawr' o- 875 "T- r.r $.25: t.A; l.mn rr vr fred Ke cean t)7 PC Par, Cev-s oust BRasiOT 0TOP Hahl fhwvroett Co AO! Hn-d X. rf-s $75 Barqa-s po.p c--t 'r V' ur TL1 mf a he-e t-q i tev'O et 0 JStOK BVI Terriers.
seeqe e.ne. Dedoe Martwwaj e- Qey. 44U 4. WS eartr IBsJtl. CADtLlAC s.alf tf sWWrf Corvqrd -r-vfjreeif rta) cempetf a-.
741, vt 4 w-; la. kTl a exi aqr lart Be eav eai aeoToes f'M wre Tf- oappTr-a-V e. 5i? -i a c-aj. tWer. I1 vt'.
i72T'. 44 "JJ" 577 Xil oiCWOR'H-lf set compete. c--c--s -m ser-n wIt i strqr. Ll' i a-ee. leal $w- tT Va' fw ew Sr-r axe.i.w pxipexaii wnxrye nwr Vee -a.
J2 ajng-r- ex-as. ean. eaHesPPI ft eew 4rawrs 4e Pre- exeax. aawav i -w-eeax-w- sf 1 war Frer-qnt. a-, t- I trn.
ei. ex. IW9 a -w -eq. 0- i Q4 I 'a xr- s' Tr-'rA---; en vv r'wr'z -zrrii zvv" mrvt C-iHuAHUA. fw mr-M mtev 1 Ff OR tet; srr-q tararqs rext-" aw Id e--W fl npfw, axr -d fufvllf 4 xes.
y-jr ow- reg.ite-ed V3 T( fre I.H Cr Sail 7ri fa res. mOt 8 Al BAN iZTtUTTrir Su fooO lexlw. T7ZZZ C-rvR0iT. .7, I Ms-sa, ta-- Lt Zt-m v' ot 7 rr ax. rd fen.
Mi ft (. esq) Pj'k. "1 Pa- $i'e (npyqoiff ti i J- A. -l VI. rn.
A-wrW VJT fI r.w M. Px. A ITS ttA I Ft wnajr- aa7 fx.ee, 1 ppf ftOsfTStl yn-ni kv f. Reewro-e taa-y-. P-e-ervny.
fee. e-4-N -na f8jq5 fJTXwitO vst n. 7v tew; a r- A' (etvsr.ft. '4t lr. Or ti e-p sxr-atey rnao te'l tiw I iai-4 Merreai aiawe.
ans w-iq r- ---ar ww aee i 5e ya-i 4 1 '4 I Ue erf It Ni asx mr TTTiT1 rsi aeOTOR s'-s. large aiq. ll'rser-r tf.0 Vi 77 x-w u.C 141 rm fn" X' al. iixilie tmi UU.J "w' $rt ioa -w 111 e- e. A eve Tit a.
-r McKitSH-k io.bHHrprf -T I 1 4 fat t-P 14 I xr- s-e 0--7 a Ivl ra- 7 wr p.r.y tw tlfin tAB CMAMU 1. -l r--; me-, erw. a -rs 1 5 i.tll.lTtoa.imi Je. e-H. ti r5 I I tP! I I i i am (.
I' 1 81 'H; -a e'- at t-s wrwe .1 -Hi 5 8) s. rM U- III I ILb. W-. rie'e Iti f4 tef-f-el axHI rT- Sr -r- rV 1 -B Va, UUPt, fl Lp te .1," 'fZ 13 fSOM S75 UP "'7 qre, tat Heq r-e O. 4.
ww fv-y ipv 7-J Ov-. Ira d'Jt Ntl. 1V65 HUUH CRf pTTe.S-"n;rw. aw, ar-p. a Rer refSVlt issKaxre.
Wqw POM $1 839 t. eee. -4 f-nj flfi'llf Mv x-x. sne.ee ta.e.r- 1 VVC BUY USED TRUCKS -T Tt. 1 OPSR MTWROA Tti teootl e- i-- pel -l "t'Unt Vs.l.N 1 a DKlCDC "FI'TH 7 -nw- $sVt teW .1 rar-, I O.A T-)-- V-e, SllJu -1 Jy I VjSS" eV V-TV JA tTfJ-TTT .71.
8- q.oar,. CHIVPOUT T' L'JTX. I r- a-1 -t' (.5.1,4,. l- eee-x-sw-. 7 wxx- saw pwa) fsssi tff I-I qoarr 000C 4-FfMI lV rtlT a a' t.
44i al r' q- -r Ve- r. ra. 1 I K. If I r-nee4j .) law- w-r 'eat 4 ie Vr. V4 "Vl 1 lJ.
-7 I tq w- en-f vq x- c- 'ij a A iSf 'M. 77 III, "rinit ex, fees $w-" UK e--i I --ar 1 fw 1 I I at sa 84 SSSM Kx sens i-ne, i --x- S. -r. -w-e-- ree. war rw -q wewei few I rVi'--eS7 I I i yj.
tr.VcW ---eex. I Ww tt "-a' tsivr 8 CKea- a-- aaww a. 1 Jl VJ itf wv-A, Pal I- I ee i e- l-ww A A mmmm imiii i vr a. JM-I ajwisj-r--. we ap, eaw e-j e-' wee xx Ow r- 9.
r' w-esx-m, axjr ee "JiffTy tvm tHot TV off end get to b-dl IMMY III-.